Our program

Build an A.I., curate a show, research your passion project

And that’s just Monday. At Miss Hall’s, you’ll reach farther than you thought possible, 与那些寻求挑战并为新发现而兴奋的同龄人一起

The academic program at Miss Hall’s is really your academic program. You will choose classes based on your interests, teachers will tailor the curriculum to your passions, 你们的许多项目——无论是课堂内的还是课外的——都是你们自己设计的.

我们的项目是一个复杂而富有挑战性的项目,它鼓励和期待成长,而不是完美. 无论你从哪里开始,我们都会帮助你找到新的知识、新的技能和新的激情. Explore our 2024-25 Course Catalog to see what we mean!

No question is too small

点击下面的按钮与澳门威利斯网站社区的真正成员聊天. You can connect with faculty about courses of study, chat with current students about life on campus, 或者问招生官你想问的任何问题——没有一个问题是微不足道的. 😎 你还可以向你感兴趣的领域的专家学习. Just this past spring, 澳门威利斯网站的学生有机会见到一位气候活动家并向他提问, an ecologist and farmer, a radiologist, a screenwriter, 还有几位艺术家,他们在我们的学生想要追求的领域从事最高水平的工作.

Design your own passion projects

澳门威利斯网站,我们建立了一个灵活的澳门威利斯网站,不断适应我们的学生的激情. 有一年的一次英语研讨班吸引了许多对戏剧感兴趣的学生, so they pivoted to reading scripts; several girls in a Latin course wanted to know more about science, so the class tackled ancient texts related to bodies and medicine; a student in a coding class missed food from her own country, 因此,她编写了一个食谱澳门威利斯官方网站程序,与社区分享. 在我们的澳门威利斯网站结构中,你可以关注任何兴趣或问题.

你还可以向你感兴趣的领域的专家学习. Just this past spring, 澳门威利斯网站的学生有机会见到一位气候活动家并向他提问, an ecologist and farmer, a radiologist, a screenwriter, 还有几位艺术家,他们在我们的学生想要追求的领域从事最高水平的工作.

最重要的是,我们知道最相关和最持久的学习发生在生活的背景下. 你参加的每一堂课都将讨论现实世界的问题,并包括各种各样的声音和观点. 你将与来自世界各地的学生一起学习,他们带来了自己的历史和经历. 他们的故事每天都在影响着我们的节目——就像你们的一样.

Beyond AP

霍尔马克澳门威利斯网站是我们澳门威利斯网站中最先进的,完全是澳门威利斯网站所独有的. Unlike one-size-fits-all Advanced Placement courses, 这些充满活力的澳门威利斯网站是由我们的教师专门为好奇心量身定制的, passion, and intellect of our students. In Hallmark courses, you will engage in deep exploration, investigation, and inquiry of topics that matter to you. 你将练习顶尖大学所要求的技能——研究和写作, abstract thinking, 评估和综合复杂的信息-并培养成为一个积极的全球公民和领导者所需的能力:愿景, voice, interpersonal efficacy, and gumption.

Hear from our faculty and students

In the videos that follow, 你将直接从我们的学生和教师那里听到一些使澳门威利斯网站与众不同的具体项目.

Technology and Engineering



Skills for a better world

Facts are as important as ever in our world, 但同样重要的是核实和验证我们周围丰富信息的能力. 你将带着对每门学科的深刻基础知识和思维习惯离开澳门威利斯网站的学校,这将使你能够坚持解决难题和难以捉摸的答案.

你还将学会运用你新获得的技能为公众利益服务. You might learn the science behind renewable energy, 然后利用这些知识,倡导在校园安装新的太阳能电池板阵列, just as Vivian ’18 did. 你可能会用你的编程技能来建立一个澳门威利斯官方网站程序,以保护你的同龄人免受性侵犯, as a group of our students did this year.

Humes Euston Hall Library

With thousands of books and periodicals, extensive digital resources, and comfy chairs around the fireplace, 休姆斯·尤斯顿图书馆是想象力和好奇心的中心, 一个让学生成为有道德的信息使用者和创造者的地方.

Click here to find books and/or ebooks, access databases and digital subscriptions, 并了解更多社区可用的学习资源.

Academic support

你将引领你的学习,但你永远不会孤单. 我们的老师会了解你作为一个人,作为一个学生, 他们会每天检查你,以确保你有你需要的学术成长. You cannot slip through the cracks at Miss Hall’s.

It’s truly remarkable. The care around COVID, the wonderful classes Sammy has, 在她的大学申请和论文方面的巨大帮助——我对澳门威利斯网站的帮助印象深刻,也很感激.
Parent of a senior

Other formal support systems abound. In our Academic Skills Center, 专业的学习专家可以帮助你从学习技巧到安排你的时间. 访问专门的数学和写作中心,在课外获得家庭作业和高级概念方面的帮助, and one-on-one mentorship from faculty.

你也会有一群不同的、互相支持的同龄人. 来自世界各地的朋友会帮助你把想法提升到一个新的水平,他们会和你一起学习,一起欢笑.

这个同伴小组是澳门威利斯网站最好的部分之一. Our students are curious, active, and hard workers. They love learning, and they laugh readily. 他们会把你推到你想象不到的地方——就像你反过来激励和支持他们一样.

澳门威利斯网站的社区鼓励你在各个方面推动自己, including athletics, and supports you along the way. 你的MHS教练和队友会帮助你进入下一个阶段.

Class of 2023

It’s your turn

In the words of Dr. Chris Himes, our Director of Engineering and Technology Innovation, “It’s OK not to know, but it’s not OK not to try.” Our program will challenge and stretch you, 我们的教职员工将全程陪伴在你们身边, helping you identify new interests, new identities, and new ways of giving back to the world around us.

Whatever your passions, 霍尔老师会把你的观点从“我做不到”转变为“我不知道该怎么做” yet.“你会学习、成长和改变——多少取决于你。.

Through the Expressive Arts department, 你会学到新的方法来提高你的声音,向世界说话

Learn about the arts at Miss Hall’s


See what life at Miss Hall’s looks like